Support Masjid Al Huda

By donating to Masjid Al Huda, you sustain a space for Islamic rejuvenation and community growth. Your contribution keeps our doors open – allowing us to establish the Salah, provide  services, educational programs, and outreach to touch lives with Islamic values.

The rewards are boundless for those who give freely. As the Prophet (SAW) taught us: ‘The best charity is that given by a wealthy person from the little he has.’ (Al-Bukhari)

Choose your level of Support

Pillar of Support

£10 a month

Your contribution helps cover essential expenses like utilities and basic maintenance. This level ensures Masjid Al Huda remains open for daily prayers, providing a welcoming space for our community to gather and worship.

Guardian of Huda

£30 a month

As a Guardian of Huda, you enable us to expand our services and educational programs. This level supports Quran classes, Islamic studies for adults and children, and helps improve our facilities for a more comfortable worship environment.

Legacy Builder

£70 a month

Your exceptional generosity allows for major improvements, expanded community outreach, and organization of larger events. This level supports inviting scholars, establishing youth programs, and enhancing support services for those in need.

One time donation

Choose your amount

Any amount helps. Your custom donation supports our masjid's growth. Choose what you can to strengthen our community.

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